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Technical Issues

What is it that holds me back in my advocacy for Reumatoid arthritis and other chronic illnesses? I'm not afraid of what people might think about my writing or what I might say. The older I become, the less I care what others think. You either like me or you don't! It isn't because I cant come up with topics, my head and heart are full of things to talk about. I am a woman!

I can write in cursive and can count back change to someone without a calculator. Two things that our younger generation just can't seem to do. The reason our children can't do these things is because they haven't been taught to do them like my generation, the baby boomers were.

I find it very frustrating that I cannot grasp the new technology of smartphones, computers, and websites. Usually, I can teach myself to do things by watching, reading and concentrating on the task. Unfortunately I seem to have a mental block when it comes to anything computerized. I can hit one key and everything is gone ! Gone where, I'm not sure, out into cyber space somewhere for me to never see again. I know you, that are technically savy are laughing right now, but as I mentioned earlier, I don't care.

I wasnt taught anything about computers in my 12 years of education. Computers were just beginning to be used at that time. When I attended college, introduction to computers was not at all like it would be today. Our lessons consisted of very basic information. I cannot recall at anytime hearing the words, world wide web or anything about navigating or creating a webpage or website.

I get upset and am a little sad when I go to McDonalds and the cashier cannot count back my change. I also get very upset with myself because I can't create a web page. I do, however, understand that it is simply because neither of us was taught these lessons.

So, what do I do? I struggle and let it hold me back from doing what I so desperately want and need to do. I really don't care what my webpage looks like as long as the message is clear.

I will continue to struggle with my technical issues and the younger generation will rely on calculators and computers to help them give back correct change for our burgers and fries. I'm sure I will learn more as I continue to try to advocate for those of us that live with chronic pain and invisible illnesses.

My photos may be upside down or missing completely but I hope my words are clear. I just want to help others as I help myself through this part of my life. I dont want these technical issues to keep me from being a fierce advocate and leader in this technological world !

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