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Alone Again Alethea: Advocate for chronic invisible disease .

I am new in this internet world and new to this fight against Reumatoid Disease. It is my mission to make others aware through my journey.


A Little Thank You

Thank you for visiting the Alone Again Alethea site. I intend to share my journey of living with, and dealing with Chronic diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis, OA, Depression and Fatigue.

88 Glass Rd
LaFayette, Walker County 30728

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Loneliness and This Chronic Disease Sufferer

I never thought at the age of 60, I would have no friends, no job, and no will to live. There is not a single day passes that I do not think, I wish I were dead. Now, don't start getting all upset and think this lady is contemplating suicide. I am not. I know all to well who suicide really hurts and I have absolutely no intentions of putting a world of hurt on my family, the people I love. Just because someone has a thought in their mind doesn't mean they have the will, courage, or the means to do it. I also think about running marathons, speaking in front of large groups, or cleaning my house but I'm not going to do these things either.

    I was diagnosed with Reumatoid Disease several years ago.  I don't know the exact date.  I didnt understand why this was important at the time, and really still don't understand why knowing the exact date my life changed is important. What is important to me, is my life did change! My life changed, while those around me, did not.

    Although, I dont know the exact date of my diagnosis of this chronic disease, I know it was lurking in my body many years before the official diagnosis of Reumatoid Disease was given to me. Since being given this information,  I have learned there are hundreds of types of arthritis. In my early 30's, I began having terrible unbearable pain in my feet. After many Dr. appointments, I was told I had heal spurs and we tried several tratments such as shots injected through the side of my ankles, orthopedic inserts for my shoes, and inflammatory medicines. I finally found my cure for heel spurs by losing 30 pounds.

    Although, I beat the heal spurs, I continued to experience pain in my feet, excruciating pain from gout. Gout is a form of arthritis, but I didnt know it at the time and didn't care. I just needed relief. Little did I know the worst was yet to come. Yes, for those who have ever experienced gout, there are far more worse things.

In 1999, what I thought would be some of the best years of my life, I was diagnosed with my official first form of arthritis, other than the gout, osteoarthritis.  My life started to change at that time but I really didnt let it bother me. I didn't realize it then. I was in my prime of life, or I thought I was. I was in my early 40's, had 5 years earlier married my wonderful husband, was the proud mom of a 16 year old daughter, and had just started a new job. I was on top of the world, only for a few years later to be slung off of it in a downward spiral.

    I had always been a competitor especially in my work. I was one of those women whom you didn't tell,  you can't do that. I would do it or die trying. I excelled in my work, moved up in the organization, and had a position I was very proud of. I was proud of my accomplishments but I didnt realize at the time that I was alienating myself from my friends and family. I didn't have time for anything other than work.

    As I mentioned earlier,  I dont know the exact date of my diagnosis of Reumatoid Disease.  It was probably when I was 54 or 55. My family physician had been saying it was a possibilty for a while. I was of course, referred to a Rheumatologist and the downward spiral soon began. Let's just say in 2014, I was diagnosed with seropositive Reumatoid Disease,  an autoimmune disorder.  I had previously been diagnosed with lichen disease,  another autoimmune disease. I still did not realize what was going on in my body or what I would soon experience.  In the last 4 to 5 years, along with the previous diagnosis of osteoarthritis,  I have been diagnosed with Reumatoid Disease,  Spinal Stenosis,  AS,  degenerative disk disease and interstitial lung disease, COPD. There may be a few more, but pulling out medical reports to list them is just not on my agenda today. I can add one to the list, depression.  

    Now, after giving a very quick incomplete overview of my life,  I need to get back on tract. I find with the RD,  staying focused is a huge almost impossible task.

    I gave up my so called wonderful job on July 6th, 2017. After 45 years in the workforce and being a totally independent woman, I  found myself toally alone in a completely different world. I was now totally dependent on my friends, family and our government.  These were very scary realizations for me! I had been contemplating disability for a couple of years but never had the courage to persue it.  When I realized, I could no longer perform my job duties and my body could no longer take the pressure, I surendered. I hate saying that but in all actuality,  that is what I did. I gave up! I gave up because all I could muster up the strength to do was work, eat, and sleep. Im not joking or exaggerating at all, I absolutely did not do anything else.  I  left my position I had dedicated 15 years of my life to. There were not any baloons, not even black ones, gifts, or any soggy goodbyes. The people I had given more time to than my family acted as they would any other day. I should have known then, I was headed somewhere unhappy.

I have to say this now, I gave up work but I did not give up on myself!  I also, need to make myself believe it.  I have to put all of that part of me behind, find a new purpose, and move on. I want to do something I'm passionate about, something where I can at least try to help someone. I am a long way from this goal. Im taking baby steps. At least, it is something to kinda look forward to. Sad little pity partier, me!

    Many people, I'm sure, as I once did, think of retirement as a luxary. Oh how nice it will be to enjoy life without work. For those of us suffering with Reumatoid Disease and other chronic diseases, this is not so luxurious.  Im not going on vacations, going shopping, or enjoying time with my family. Instead, &I'm counting flowers on the wall and playing solitare to dawn with a deck of 51. Now don't tell me, I've  nothing to do. Those of you that are old enough, will know this old song. For you younger folks, just Google it.  

    I have never felt so alone in my life.  I'm not sure what comes first, the depression or the loneliness. Both of these diseases for me, intertwine. Oh, and I cant leave out the fatigue. Fatique that keeps me lying  on the sofa for days at a time. I feel powerless. When one of these three demons shows up, the others are never far behind. I feel like I'm all alone in a cold, dark, damp, and musty dungeon. Also known to me as the darkest, deepest pits of hell.

    Where did my friends go? Did I ever have any true friends? I have these thoughts continuosly. I'm disabled, not helpless. I still have emotions, the desire to have conversations, and the need to be somewhat social. I spend at least 75% of my days alone. Most days my phone never rings or do I get a text. For me, whom I consider an extrovert, each and everyday is a chore. Yes, I  have pain, excruciating pain, however this pain of loneliness and depression can be so much more difficult for me to deal with.

    Thankfully,  I do have access to social media. I have been fortunate enough to be able to join a couple of online Reumatoid Disease groups. I have made a few new friends, whom I believe to be true, close friends. It kinda amazes me that I can feel so close to someone whom I've never spoke face to face with or felt their touch. I am still alone!! I think of how nice it would be to sit across from each other as we enjoy a cup or two of coffee. I'm not even sure this would help me. I can sit with my husband , hold his hand and still feel lonely and depressed.  I do enjoy the conversations I have with my new friends. They don't think I'm lazy, they actually listen and understand,  well I  hope they listen.

    I'm finding it difficult to transfer my thoughts to this computer screen. My mind wanders off in many directions. I find it very hard to stay focused, to concentrate. I know from reading other people's stories that I am not alone.

     I hope to someday change the name of my site, but for now,  I'm still aloneagainalethea.

Learn More About Alone Again Alethea

Just a bit about myself

Alone Again Alethea is a 60 year old female fighting the everyday struggles of Reumatoid Disease, Osteoarthritis, Spinal Stenosis, AS, Depression and Fatigue.........
After 45 years in the workforce, I now find myself alone. I had to find myself something to do, thus, here I am introducing myself to the World. I am creating this to share my journey of living with chronic invisible illnesses . My goal is to aid others in the fight to raise awareness, defeat loneliness, and gain knowledge for myself in the process. This is currently a goal, a dream, one that can only be obtained by determination and HELP. Help from people like us, people who will walk beside me in this journey. Will you join me?


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Depression, Loneliness, and Fatigue
It seems as if something always happens to ruin a good day for me. I spent hours researching and writing an article only to have it disappear into the clouds. I suppose one could say computers and I are not best friends. Instead of letting it depress me or make me angry today, I choose to just do it AGAIN! I try to stay optimistic and think on the bright side. I will be able to retain this information better by writing it twice.
I thought that depression, loneliness and fatigue were one in the same. I found in my research that loneliness and fatigue are just two symptoms of the disease of depression. Everyone who has depression may not have these symptoms at all. Other symptoms include feelings of hopelessness, loss of interest in daily activities, concentration difficulties, sleeping issues, and weight changes.
Depression is defined as a persistent feeling of sadness, a mental disorder characterized by extreme gloom, feelings of inadequacy and inability to concentrate. This feeling will last more than a couple of weeks. It can be life long. I have referred to it as the deepest pits of hell. There are many forms of depression as well as varying degrees of the illness. Depression is a common but extremely serious mental illness. It can be physical, emotional, and psychological or a combination of these.
Major Depression, also known as major depression disorder is the most common form. Severe cases of depression can be life threatening with suicide as a possible outcome. The American Foundation for Suicide prevention states that more than 50% of all people who commit suicide suffer from depression and when alcoholics are included in the numbers, the rate increases to 75%. Cases of depression in the United States are rising rapidly as more people are feeling less uncomfortable discussing this with their doctors. Three million cases, or more, are reported in the United States each year and the number of cases worldwide are at 300 million plus. Depression rates are highest among young people at 63% for teenagers and 47% for millennials, those born between 1981 and 1996. Rates also vary from state to state. Rates for North East states are at 6%, while Hawaii is at 2%. Women are diagnosed with major depression twice the rate of men. Researchers believe this happens because women are more likely to report signs of depression to their doctors, while men have tendencies to become workaholics or participate heavily into sports. Studies also show that men are more likely to turn to alcohol, anger, and aggression than to seek proper treatment for depression.
More than 8 out of 10 people who live with major depression also have one or more, other serious chronic diseases or invisible illnesses. I am a part of these numbers. I have major depression. I have been diagnosed with Reumatoid Disease and Lichen Disease, both autoimmune diseases. I have also been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis, Spinal Stenosis, degenerative disk disease, AS, and a few minor health issues like high blood pressure, high colesterol, and COPD. Ive been hit with more than a double whammy.

I would like to focus totally on Depression and Reumatoid Disease, their commom symptoms, how the two relate to each other, however there is a lot of background discussions that need to be explored and shared first.

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Exercise, is a must for those of us living with Reumatoid Disease. Some of us, myself included cannot do a lot of strenuous work, or if we do, we need to do so in small increments. I'm almost sure we have all experienced, "the over done its."
I try to get some of my exercise through my passion for flowers and gardening. On the nice days, even if it feels 100° plus, I spend 30 minutes to an hour taking care of my plants. I can rest, take a break anytime I like. Somedays the back and hand pain of my Reumatoid Disease cuts my time short and I will try to do more later.
Not only do I get my exercise of walking, bending, and squatting, I feel peace and relaxation in my little garden. It has been 20 years since I've worked in my garden, so yes I'm proud of myself. I'm proud to get some exercise and to find a place where I am alone but not lonely.
As we struggle and search for ways to cope with our disability, it is one of my goals to help others. Im sure many ladies and men as well could and would enjoy sharing in the beauty of nature. Playing in the dirt isn't a "cure all" by no means. It is one way, I get some exercise, a little dose of vitamin D, and find peace within myself.

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Having Friends With Chronic Illnesses

Studies show that having friends can lower our chance of heart disease and lengthen our life expectancy. Connecting with friends releases oxytocin, the feel good section, in our brains. July 5th, 2018 was a special day! My oxytocin levels were running rapid. My Stargazer Lilly bloomed and it was beautiful and I met my friend and she is beautiful.
It seems like when I was diagnosed with several chronic diseases, my friends disappeared. I only had a couple anyway. The older I get, the less friends I have, some have permanently left us, others have made a choice. Many of us, I believe who are newly diagnosed with chronic illnesses look to facebook and the www to try and find answers to our many questions. This is where we stumble among friends and find people extremely similar to us. Does this scenario fit any of you? I didn't actually go on line to find friends. Age comes to my mind but it doesn't matter here, it's the disease that connects us. I also like to talk to others, other than myself and the fur babies. I'm sure many people will agree that most women like to talk.
Rheumatoid arthritis does not discriminate. Children and adults of all ages are diagnosed daily with this autoimmune disease. The closest of my new found friends are 20 years younger than me. I'm not sure if they are looking to me for wisdom, or if I'm looking to them to restore my youth, or some computer lessons, whatever the reason, it works! Actually, I am also finding answers from others like me, experiencing our journey together. None of us should experience this journey alone!
My most recent blessing , even better than my beautiful Stargazer Lilly was finally meeting my forever friend, Amanda Bristle. We just happened to stumble upon one another one day about two years ago through a fabulous on line RD Group. A connection was made that can never be undone. I just know Amanda shares the same feelings. A bond has been made and I am forever grateful. We had messaged each other, texted, talked, and face-timed but nothing can replace a real honest hug! Don't get me wrong, I love my virtual hugs, they are sometimes all I get for months. A real hug from a real person who shares closely in my journey made my day! We didnt take the time to have coffee and get into deep conversation but it sure is on the top of the agenda for next time. Yes, there will be another "next time!" I thoroughly enjoyed my time with our families eventhough it was short.
Reach out to others, it can literally change your life. Remember, not only can having friends lengthen your life and make you feel better, you get a lifelong friend in the process.
Do you have a favorite on line friend?
Will you make the first move?
Have you personally messaged them in regards to a similar experience?
Have you thought about meeting your friend?
Do you think this would be an awesome event?
Start today with a plan!
Meet your favorite on line friend, meet the one who helps you the most.
Nothing is impossible.
Together we can do more!

A Mental Dilemma

There are days when I can't seem to get the strength to do even the simplest of tasks. I have 2 forms of strength, body strength and mental strength. Most days, I can deal with the physical pain. I believe I have dealt with it so much, it's now just a part of who I have become. This mental strength however, to me, is so much more difficult and complicated to deal with. I feel our emotions, our state of mind, plays a huge role, maybe even a more important role than the physical issues of our disease or diseases and are the least discussed. For me, the lack of body strength and physical pain takes second place to the mental dilemma.
Reumatoid Disease is a systemic autoimmune disorder causing joint pain and stiffness, or swelling in the joints, ( I believe many individuals just stop reading here) and fatigue, anemia, or malaise. Malaise is a general sense of being unwell, often accompanied by fatigue, diffuse pain, or lack of interest in activities. Is this beginning to sound familiar ? What is the definition of depression; a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. What about loneliness; a feeling of sadness and unhappy about being socially isolated.
While we're looking at definitions, let's look at another symptom, fatigue; feeling overtired, with low energy and a strong desire to sleep that interferes with normal daily activities. A commonality in these symptoms is, interfering with normal daily activities, physical or mental.
It is difficult for me to understand how Reumatoid Disease and Depression can be labeled as invisible illnesses. I can see that I am sick, why can't you? Just part of the definition, systemic autoimmune, should be an eye opener to start with. I know the words scare the hell out of me! How can others not see the facial expressions we make when we are in pain, when we are sad? I can certainly see it in the mirror.
With millions of people who suffer with chronic invisible illnesses, I'm sure there are others who share the same emotional distress. What can we do to overcome these obstacles facing us in our new journey ? What can help those of us who have just slipped into loneliness and depression, but aren't new to an invisible illness?

Sunshine feels good! Sunlight is a primary source of Vitamin D. It is natural that sunshine plays an important part in the function of our bodies. Daily exposure to sun is necessary for good basic health.
"Vitamin D, long associated only with its role in bone formation, is actually active throughout the human body, powerfully influencing immune system responses and cell defences."
"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy!" Enjoy it, even if it is only 10 minutes, or even if you have to use the cane. Studies show sunshine, vitamin D helps your bones and your mind.

Meditation can be defined as a practice where an individual uses a technique, such as focusing their mind on a particular object, thought or activity, to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. Neurologists have found that regular meditation actually changes your brain in ways that can help you to control emotions, aids concentration, and decreasees stress. There are many levels of meditation . Be sure to speak with your doctors before you start.

Reach out, find others whom you can talk to. Maybe your old friends aren't around anymore, maybe they just don't understand. Many RD sufferers feel they lost all their friends, myself included. Search for others like you, and start talking, make new friends , new connections. Studies show that having friends can lower our chance of heart disease and lengthen our life expectancy. Connecting with friends releases oxytocin, the feel good section, in our brains.

These are only a few things I have found to help me in my mental dilemma. I plan to continue practicing these, as well as search for other ways to rid myself of depression and loneliness. What do you do to help yourself? What can you do to help others?

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There is a Stigma!
Since being diagnosed with Reumatoid Disease, I have heard and read that there is a stigma associated with reumatoid arthritis. What the heck is a stigma? I could go into much detail with definitions, examples, and resouces but I'll just share my feelings of what the word stigma means to me in association with arthritis.
Misinformation , that pretty much sums it up! In my research of stigma, I didn't see this word but saw it very much implied. I also like this; "stigma, of any kind, is a deeply negative mindset and provides no value to society in general."
Society is totally misinformed about arthritis. It is sad. There are over 100 forms of this disease and effects millions of people all over the world.
The two main forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis, and you guessed it, reumatoid arthritis. This is what comes to my mind....
You know the little old lady down the street with arthritis?
You know the young girl who says she's sick?
This is where I think the misinformation, stigma, begins. The public has been misinformed with the blanket term "Arthritis ".... the little old lady down the street.
I won't feel comfortable unless I include some definitions. No information, the wrong information is part of the problem! Those of us who suffer from reumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and other forms and have researched know what these terms mean. Those that don't have it, or are new to it, simply DON'T KNOW!!
Osteoarthritis is a painful, degenerative joint disease that often involves the hips, knees, neck, lower back, or small joints of the hands, and is the most common form.
Reumatoid disease, which I prefer to call it, instead of rheumatoid arthritis is a seroius autoimmune disease. Both diseases are serious and painful. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA), gout, and fibromyalgia are also painful in different ways.
Many people diagnosed with arthritis have several forms. It is common to have both osteoarthritis and reumatoid disease . It is also common for individuals with invisible diseases to be diagnosed with a mental illness such as depression. Mental illnesses may be the most stigmatized diseases in the world. Talk about excessive whammies!!
How do we remove a stigma? I wish I knew all the answers, I don't, however I'm searching for them, trying to find my way. We can remove it from ourselves by getting help from professionals without feeling any doubt or shame. We can try to remove a stigma associated with a particliar issue by standing up for ourselves and speaking up. We can't sit in our homes and let a disease consume us, or I can't. I must fight, fight for awareness, fight to remove the negatives not only in my mind but in those around me. We can all help to fight stigma concerning our diseases, whatever they may be. Education is the key, accurate knowledge given to others through as many avenues as possible. The more people that know about an issue, the easier it is for them to understand and accept. In my situation, educating the public about reumatoid disease is becoming a top priority. I, as well as millions of others need our voices to be heard. I know many others have been trying, fighting, to educate others about invisible diseases for years, decades, trying to reduce that stigma, therefore, I am not alone.
This is where I am in my fight, sharing my thoughts and struggles with anyone who will listen. First, I had to find myself. I had to accept that I was , " the young girl who says she's sick." 60 is still young, right? Now, I need to be strong in the fight to show everyone, hey I'm more than that. I'm more than sick, I still have a life. I may not have the energy to do a lot of physical activities, but I still have a drive, my body just doesn't want to cooperate.
Second, I had to and am still practicing realizing my physical limitations are just a part of my life. When someone comments to me, " my granny has arthritis , or my pinky use to hurt when it rained, or you look good, your not sick anymore " I have to be able to come back with an educational answer, not just walk away with my head down. To do this I must research, read, read, and do more reading. I also have to connect with others like me, people like you.
Join me in trying to reduce the stigma associated with Reumatoid Disease and the blanket term, "arthritis." Let your voice be heard through as many avenues as possible. People just don't know what they don't know! We will benefit from the education they recieve.

Speak out against stigma.
Speak out about your Invisible Disease .

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A Change of Plans

The sunshine is beautiful today and I need my natural dose of vitimin D. I also need my exercise. Both of these are essential for those of us living with reumatoid disease. These two items are also good for those of us battling depression. I suffer from both these invisible illnesses and I also try to get my vitamin D and exercise together. I also play in the dirt or as some might say, take care of my garden. The gardening usually relaxes me and puts me at peace through nature. I feel blessed that I am able to complete these essentials at the same time.
Ahh, it's not nice to fool mother nature but she sure did just fool me. There is thunder and it's raining on my day. I'm an optimistic kind of gal, so one of the first thoughts is, my garden needs the rain. That's all I got!!! My bright sunshine face has turned to a frown.
The rain has changed my plans. I do love nature and I have sat and watched it rain many times, for many hours. I can enjoy this although I won't get my vitamin D and exercise. This doesn't mean I want do them, I just have to wait for later.
We can let the rain depress us or we can enjoy it. I prefer to do the latter. It is very calming, and it demolished the heat and humidity! Rain and thunderstorms are definitely not one in the same. Mother nature has ran me inside, lightening may not be to friendly. You know, mother nature can be nasty at times.
With an invisible illness, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. We have to learn to accept whatever is thrown at us, often without any warning. We have to adjust, change our plans, just as I have with the rain. The best way I have of accomplishing this is through trying to stay optimistic. I always try to look on the bright side. I will struggle to find a bright side sometimes.
A change of plans is common for me and I'm sure for many disease sufferers. I do sometimes find it hard to accept that these changes are the new normal for me. I would say I'm coming out of a stage of total denial and into my new real world. Where are you? Are you living comfortably with changes in your daily life?

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We need it!!!!!!!



Always check with your doctors before trying anything suggested in these pages. We are all different and what works for some, may jeopardize another. It is essential to speak with your Doctor or Doctors' about ANY PLANS to exercise, take another Vitimin or herb, or even meditation .

A Few Rays of Sunshine


Studies published in the July 2013 issue of Nutrients show that other than bone health, Vitimin D plays an essential part in the functioning of many other systems in the body, including the immune system. Recent research suggests it may have other benefits, too, such as protecting against colds and fighting depression. 
Lack of Vitimin D has been linked to the development of reumatoid arthritis, a serious autoimmune disease . The lack of this vitimin has also been found to be associated with disease activity in those suffering with reumatoid arthritis. Vitimin D can help with pain. If you see a Reumatologist and you havent been checked for vitimin D deficiencies, you need to start asking questions, ?????????
like yesterday!! ??????????
I use to be a sun worshiper but it just got to damn hot!! There are other contributing factors as to why I no longer spend hours baking myself! We all know the dangers and bad effects of to much sun. The warnings of these bad effects have many of us not getting the little sunshine we need. Some of us take meds that cause reactions if we are out in the sun. So, how do we as autoimmune disease sufferers get our much needed vitimin D?
Nothing really replaces the good feeling of having sunshine shine upon us, but as we see, it isn't always possible. We have to look for other ways to obtain it. We have been taught cows milk is a good choice. Almost all cows milk in the U.S. is fortified with vitimin D. Don't be tricked into thinking you can substitute milk products and get your vitimin D, cheese and ice cream are two treats that unfortunately are not fortified with vitimin D. Fatty fish can be a good source of vitamin D. Salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, and eel are good options for getting some natural vitimin D.
We also have the vitimin supplements, the synthetic ones. More than 95% of all the vitamin supplements sold today fall in to the synthetic category. Synthetic forms of vitamins can be dangerous. We get a high concentrated dose rather than the amount we would get from sunlight or a food based form. As with anything, to much can be toxic!! Even if the labeling says "natural", more than likely, it only contains 10% of the real stuff. Again, a talk with the doctor is a must.

I've covered briefly, just three ways to obtain the much needed vitimin D.
Sunlight is my first choice and 15 to 20 minutes of its rays without any sunscreen is said to be beneficial. A sunscreen with an spf of 8 will totally keep you from recieving
the benefits. Food for my D is my second choice, and then the synthetics. I partake in
all three of these with my Reumatologist carefully monitoring my vitimin D levels.
If you're a reumatoid arthritis sufferer and your not getting your daily dose of vitimin D, your not
helping yourself. Check with your doctor to see if they are tracking your vitimin D levels. Dont forget the ??? If they aren't. My levels were so low when first diagnosed, I was put on mega prescription strength vitimin D. If your newly diagnosed with Reumatoid Disease, your levels could be low as well. Remember, vitimin D is linked to our immune system and our disease of reumatoid arthritis is an1 autoimmune disease. I can't stress enough how extremely important I think vitimin D is for our health.

SUNSHINE , FOOD, AND SUPPLEMENTS - Are you getting the correct amount? Do you get a good mixture?


Somedays the Stress can OVERWHELM ME

You say, "me too" of course it can!!. Stress seems to be a fact of daily life these days with the hustle bustle associated with life. Reumatoid Arthritis and a few other chronic diseases just adds to it. OA, AS, and depression just to name a few. I have read studies recently that correlates the brain with inflamation, specifically RA inflammation. That is a different story.
I have 6 puppies, 2 grown dogs, a 18 year old house guest and a husband. Thank God I no longer have a job. I just dont think I could handle it. Yesterday was a killer day and I don't mean in a good way.
I had the new shot in my mind all day, knowing I needed to take it that afternoon. See, I take biologics for my RA and after a long time, about 4 months, dealing with an infection that landed me in the hospital, my much loved biologic stopped working. The Reumatologist said it was normal for a biologic to stop working when being off of it, and then restarting. It figures my body would be normal for this! Those of us taking biologics cannot take them with antbiotics . In the back of my foggy mind, the shot kept creeping in. I couldn't help but to think, will I suffer bad side effects, how long will it take to start working if it does work? What am I putting into my body?
Then, there are those 6 puppies, almost 4 weeks old and hungry. I don't know anything about feeding hungry puppies especially when the mom is right by me. I'm not sure what people did before Google! 4 week old puppies can make a lot of noise when your trying to get some much needed sleep or alone time. With the help of the internet, I did figure this one out though!! It is a lot of work with 6 of those little cuties.
I don't normally do well in the mornings. It takes several cups of coffee, some meds, and some alone time. I find the last thing, alone time kind of ironic since I'm alone 75% of my day, but I enjoy my early morning alone time. The house guest does not have a drivers license. The child has volunteered for an activity 30 miles away with no transportation and I have always had a problem with saying no, especially when it is to help others. So, off I go taking her and going back to get her 4 hours later. Over a hundred miles on my car and a disruption to my day, I still need to give myself that shot, and the puppies are crying again.
I took the shot, all by myself, imagine that! My husband never asked any questions about how I felt, neither did the house guest. It is good to know that I could have dialed 911 myself if I started to itch and my throat swelled up. I try to educate people on my illnesses and meds but it feels as if no one listens. I will just keep trying, I cannot give up. We cannot give up!
I understand that we all have stress in our lives, what is stressful for one individual may not stress anyone else out at all. I have found that living with several different autoimmune diseases and some other health related issues, my stress can overwhelm me. I know I'm not the only one, just one of the many.
Im still searching for ways to combat the stress, you know, go with the flow.....
I have to exercise even if it is a tiny bit. I need to eat healthier which is a very tough item at the moment. I don't want to eat at all! I've lost 50 pounds in 11 months. The doctors are beginning to become concerned, therefore to eliminate another stressor, more doctor appointments, I must eat and maintain my weight. I know, I know what some of you may be thinking. "Oh I wish I had that problem. " Think deeply about that statement! The little I researched on weight loss and stress, scared me, causing more stress! Most things associated with our diseases get scary if you continue to read and research.
I'm going to get some fresh air, some sun rays, and maybe a little exercise. Let's relieve a little of that stress.
Whew, to hot and humid for much of that! I would say 20 minutes has done me in, and there is those puppies! A shower! Oh, and pick up the houseguest ! I've mentioned before, I like to look on the bright side. I'm going to go for a ride, listen to some good music, and enjoy what I can. Sometimes, most times, I have to create my own stress relievers, I suppose most of us have struggled with this. Funds won't allow me to just jump in the car and go get a mani pedi or a much needed massage.
Today, nature blessed me with a quick afternoon thunder shower. Watching and listening to the rain relaxes me as well as listening to good music. We all have to find what works for each of us for our stress just like we do our medications. Whatever it is that helps put a smile on your face , then do it, whether it's taking a walk in the sunshine or even the rain. Maybe you can absorb yourself in a good book or play some of your favorite music, or visit with a friend. Let's don't let the stress of the day overwhelm us.

More to come about stress. Did you know there are 3 specific types, Acute, Episodic, and Chronic? Do you know stress can be extremely dangerous?

Possible stress helpers;
Sunshine, rain, nature, movies, books, conversations, light, goals, walks, art, water, travel, music, chocolate, ...............#aloneagainalethea

• Stress 😣 sadness 😢 fatigue 🛌 STRESS UNGRATEFUL🚫 Stress ❌ .STRESS. .Stress. .Unknown. fear Tears. Hot ♨️ STRESS. Pity. 🔸️🔹️ Lies🤥 Stress. DEMONS. 👹 CRY
.Stress . 🔸️ . Stress. . Stress. . stress. .Stress . .Stress .

➡️ ➡️ ➡️ .Stress. IT'S EVERYWHERE!! .Stress. ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️

stress. .Unnecessary. ❔ Uncomfortable. .Numb📍 .Stress
Stress. .Stress cry stress. Situations. anger. .Stress
🌅 .Hot ... Stress... STRESS. Stress. Stress heat🌅
• Stress FEAR time ⌛ Stress. Pity meds💊 🔬deep STRESS. Coping. Pain. Cloudy🌧 Stress sadness fatigue🌙 poisen☠ unavailable scared foggy LOST unforgiving
Loneliness FEAR absent 👻 darkness ☻ altering boredom Stress HURT 🤕 deprived😪 depression. stress. 😠 Confusion. Regret. Pessimistic Uptight. STRESS. RUDE. Worthless. STRESS. Tears😭 HURT♿ Sorrows weak
Upsets. Pressure Fire mercy. alone👣 Stress. unknown. NO. STRESS. downwards ⬇️ grieve🔚 far cry 😓 STRESS strange. Pits unnatural. STRESS cold⛄ flight🛫
• ✖ Poison ✖empty ✖unfamiliar. ✖LIFE. ✖ STRESS.


Sometimes I just do this!

The Stargazer Lilly

A beautiful flower for a beautiful day. Enjoy the little things! Today is special!


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